The Makin Review and Safeguarding

A message from Canon David:

Dear Everyone, 


Protecting vulnerable people from harm and speaking up for their rights is part of our scriptural mandate as Christians. Proverbs 31 verse 8 reminds us that we must “speak out for those who cannot speak, for the rights of all who are vulnerable.” 

Sadly, as recent events involving John Smyth, forcing the resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury, have continued to make clear, the church has not always done this well. Even before these recent events, in our headlines and newsfeeds we regularly read many examples of the hurt and the harm that has happened and continues to happen in church and in the wider society. 

But we have a chance to do things better. Safeguarding is a matter of concern for everyone, for each one of us. Many churches are working hard to get safeguarding right.However to create places that are truly safer for all, we need to create open cultures where abuse has nowhere to hide. We need to talk about it to ensure that everyone in church realises that we each have a part to play in safeguarding. If you see something that does not seem to be right, do not ignore it or refuse to let other people know. For evil to flourish it is sometimes only necessary for other people to do nothing. We have a safeguarding officer, Lorna Brown, who will be the best person to contact in the first instance if you have a concern.  

Proverbs chapter 31 verse 8 forms part of the advice of a mother to her royal son at the end of the book of Proverbs. The book of Proverbs begins with advice from a royal father to his son. The book of Proverbs presents a vision where wisdom is passed on in family and workplace, where women and men both take the lead and the mandate to protect everyone, especially anyone who is vulnerable, is seen as central to our care for each other and our mission to the wider society.  

May God give us the wisdom to listen to each other. Every church in the country must surely hope to see: 

GREATER positive awareness and understanding of safeguarding among church members.

An INCREASE in the number of people feeling able to talk about their abuse for the first time.

MORE volunteers coming forward for safeguarding roles and to help with children’s/youth work.

An INCREASED number of people completing safeguarding training and criminal record checks.

And the number of Safeguarding Leads feeling supported in their role by the church is BIGGER!

Every blessing, 

Canon David November 2024

Prayer: Lord, help us to speak out for those who cannot speak, for the rights of all the vulnerable. Help us to speak out, judge righteously and defend the rights of the poor and needy.